Own Your Therapeutic Process

Starting the therapeutic process typically begins with a feeling.  A feeling that begins as a quiet nudge and progresses strongly enough to produce action.  This is the point at which you can choose to ignore the calling or pick up the phone and make the call that will change your trajectory in ways unforeseen and indescribable!  No matter where you are on your journey, whether it is before your first therapeutic appointment, or years into your process, there are ways to absorb the growth to your fullest potential.  The first step is congratulating yourself for being on the journey at all.  The next step is adding just a few components that will help you to procure as much from the process as possible.  

  1. Choose wisely. There are many different approaches out there and like a well worn shoe, not every one will be for you. When choosing a therapist, or switching to a new one, you need to know yourself. Are you looking for a male or a female? Which type of energy will most help you connect with yourself? Your answer may be different at different stages of your life.

  2. Do your homework. Therapists often provide a way to bridge and enhance the gap between appointments. This can be in the form of journaling, mental work, mindfulness practices, coping mechanisms and many many more. The attention you focus on these processes will greatly improve what you extrapolate from each session.

  3. Take notes during the session to help you remember those points that really spoke to you. Some moments will hit harder than others and they are like a book written solely for you and your journey. Why not have a going record of them?

  4. Take notes during the week to help you remember the points you want to make during the session. This is not necessary but can be a great way to help you prioritize the points that mean the most to you. Those 50 minutes go by quickly. Let’s make them count.

  5. Stay aware of your process! Take a moment after each session to connect with yourself and how you are changing. Are you becoming more empowered? If so how? What changes can you note and is it in line with your intentions?

This is a process that is fully up to you.  The start, stop, and in between exist as a manifestation of your willingness for personal growth.  There is no greater gift to give yourself or those around you.  Dive in, go deep, and enjoy.    
